株式会社 橋場ガラス

住宅・ビル用サッシ設計施工・各種ガラス・ミラー・金属工事・オートグラス・重車輛用ガラス・エクステリア・インテリア建材・住宅設備機器・建築資材販売の株式会社 橋場ガラスです。

Housing · Building sash design · Construction · Glass · Mirror · Metal construction · Auto glass · Heavy vehicle glass · Exterior · Interior building material · Housing equipment equipment · Building materials sales company Hashida Glass.(HASHIBA GLASS Co.,Ltd)

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It is a page on products.(sash,glass and more)

You can see the outline of the desired products.

It is a construction related page. You can know the construction summary.

It is a page that you can know company profile.

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You can learn career information. We are recruiting sash and glass craftsmen.